Patryk Polanski programming portfolio

Descripti on an ipad
Descripti on an imac
Descripti on an iphone


Content generation tool leveraging chatGPT to generate product titles, descriptions and metadata.

  • Frontend

Tech Stack

The challenge

With the release of ChatGPT and a popular rise of AI apps, my team noticed a good opportunity for utilising such tools to create unique and powerful products. Being in the E-commerce and Shopify business, we came up with a concept to leverage AI to help store merchants generate high quality content for each product, including titles, descriptions and metadata. How this would work is the user would select a number of options, including tone, keywords, personas and the app would make use of chat GPT api to generate multiple responses. After initial brainstorming sessions, I was assigned to developing the frontend of the application with React/Next.js and was provided with the initial designs.

I started with building the promotional landing pages for the application and later moved onto working on the app itself. Even though most designs were complete, as this was an internal project without a client, I was still able to contribute to the overall app aesthetics with my own ideas. Among others, I was in charge of developing the sidebar, tabbable content, making reusable card components and creating form elements with client side validation. Tailwind and TypeScript helped create a cleaner, more manageable codebase both for styles and JavaScript/React logic. While the backend was still being implemented using Supabase and Vercel, I was working on API endpoints and later moved onto using the Cypress testing library to run tests for the front end of the app. Having multiple developers working on the project, it was completed moderately quickly and at the time of writing, it is accepting new users for early access. Screenshots of the app can be seen in the gallery below.


  • Descripti mockup
  • Descripti mockup
  • Descripti mockup
  • Descripti mockup